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Palais des Nations


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  • The new actions are being carefully calibrated to ensure that ordinary Libyans are not harmed, Clinton said at a news conference at Geneva's Palais des Nations.

    U.S. freezes Libyan assets, takes steps to aid refugees 2011

  • The new actions are being carefully calibrated to ensure that ordinary Libyans are not harmed, Clinton said at a news conference at Geneva's Palais des Nations.

    U.S. freezes Libyan assets, takes steps to aid refugees 2011

  • The new actions are being carefully calibrated to ensure that ordinary Libyans are not harmed, Clinton said at a news conference at Geneva's Palais des Nations.

    U.S. freezes Libyan assets, takes steps to aid refugees 2011

  • Jody Williams who won the Nobel Prize for her efforts to ban landmines is a specialist at visible deep-impact actions - such as placing a huge chair with three and a half legs outside the UN's European headquarters at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to emphasize what landmines actually do.

    Sunil Chacko: Vancouver, Multicultural Gateway To The World 2009

  • From another wmtc reader:The news that the US has completely withdrawn from the Human Rights Council spread like wildfire Friday afternoon June 6 through the corridors of the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • The ceremony that took place in the Palais des Nations in Geneva was strange.

    Turmoil and Triumph George P. Shultz 1993

  • The ceremony that took place in the Palais des Nations in Geneva was strange.

    Turmoil and Triumph George P. Shultz 1993

  • Commission on Human Rights address -- c/o United Nationas Office, Centre for Human Rights, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland telephone -- [41] (22) 917 12 34, 907 12 34

    The 1995 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • As a veteran NGO human rights defender since 1986 at the United Nations in Geneva, I have watched - what is grandly called 'the international community' - at the Palais des Nations, which I sometimes call, in remembrance of Ludwig II [of Bavaria], the Palais Schwanstein: descending incontinently, recklessly, the staircase which leads to a dark gulf.

    FrontPage Magazine 2010

  • As a veteran NGO human rights defender since 1986 at the United Nations in Geneva, I have watched - what is grandly called 'the international community' - at the Palais des Nations, which I sometimes call, in remembrance of Ludwig II [of Bavaria], the Palais Schwanstein: descending incontinently, recklessly, the staircase which leads to a dark gulf.

    Jihad Watch 2010


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